I got the inspiration from this picture as i was biking home one day. I looked down and saw petrol spread over the concrete. This short colorful vision was followed by a quick look at my feet that were pedaling. The tittle of the painting is a wordplay in danish which i used to interpret this painting. "Vi har alle tre forskellige føder" means: "We all three have different feet" which is a truth if compared with the painting. Now this can also be read as "We all have three different feet" In this case comparing the title and the painting will bring forth a circle of controversies. If we assume that the title is true, the painting becomes invalid. On the other side if we assume that the painting is true then the title should be "We BOTH have three different feet." This shows the need of the human brain to connect the expression of a sentence to the content of its interpretation.
Vi har alle tre forskellige fødder Asti
30 x 40 cm.
Vist 1076 gange
Uploadet 15-09-2012
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