The idea for this painting started with the question "What if Jesus was a woman?". I started thinking about matters of feminism and matriarchy and about crowds of naked men idolizing the female form and the perfect woman. After these thoughts i started wondering: "Well now, Jesus is a man but why was he never portrayed with a mustache?" In my opinion Jesus was a hippie, eccentric, original, sexually flexible and a leader. If history has shown us something it is that men of this kind always wore a mustache: Dali, Gandhi, Hitler, Stalin, Zappa, Einstein, Mercury, Nietzsche, Chaplin and many others. Together these two thoughts collided into one major idea: "The shape of the symbol of manhood consists of the shape of men praising the perfect woman". This quote is the essence of this picture.
The mustache Asti
30 x 120 cm.
Vist 865 gange
Uploadet 12-11-2012
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