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Gammelgaard s blog


Af Gammelgaard

Tjek min blog:


Hey Guys!


I think it is about time for a proper introduction - about the blog and a little bit about the writer - Gammelgaard! , after all, not all of you really know me. But it is my hope that you will get to know some sides of me after reading my blog regularly - a relationship takes time to build, and so does getting to know all sides of one person. But it can be good to get to know people from the inside, so that we can get to know more about our self. That is my basic plan with this blog anyway - not all people are good at talking with strangers, so this will be your chance, behind the screen. You guys should know that I am always up for a talk or a meeting or more personal email-correspondence if u like or need it ( - Sometimes I can be good to give advises. Anyway. 

I think I am getting a more clear opinion about what my blog will be about. 
Of course about me and my big passion for art - my ideas, projects, interests e.g. - Life, art, music, literature, theater, funny observations in life and so on.. You are always welcome to join with ideas, if you need me to bring up a topic you could have questions about (not that I know about everything, but I could do a little research in the area or something). 
I have planned two series-articles for now (and the topic will change from time to time), but it will be kind of bigger stories about my life or things I just feel to write a little more about. Right now Thursday is for my "our-tale"-story (check it in earlier post), and Sunday will be about my cold year - in fancy called 'depression'. I do not write to make you feel sad for me, but so that people in same situation can see that they are not alone. A lot of feelings are the same in humans, but because we rarely discuss it, nobody get to know HOW alike we all are. It is also for relatives to a person with depression, just if it could help anyone :)
The other days I will post about reviews, philosophical questions, other life-stories and so on.. 

I hope you will write and follow me on my blog :) 
See You Around Stranger! 



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    Af Gammelgaard

    "Give a Glove!"

    Hey Everyone! 

    I have for some time now had an idea to make some kind of hobby-firm, mixed with a fond or a volunteer-project! - I think I will call the firm - "Give a Glove!" 

    The idea came from my own problems with financing my psychologist-appointments, that can cost up to 900kr..
    I got help from my sweet Grandmother, but far from all people have these connections and some do not wish to tell there family about there problems, or in general borrow money or get them.. I myself felt bad to get money for it, but to worry about that kind of stuff while being "sick" is not helpful. 

    First I just wanted to support some friends that needed it, but as people in general have a hard time taking money from others, the idea with the firm came up. Then it will not be my money, but all's money, and the people that get help can donate or help in other ways in the project (if they wish). I think there is a lot of people that at some point in there life needs a little help figuring out there problems, and a psychologist can help with that - I do not consider my childhood or any other part of my live as a mess, but I needed help at some point. So no one should be ashamed of getting the help they need - I consider it a free space to talk about what-ever you need without worrying about using your friends time or bother your family with your problems (not that u cannot do that, but sometime even that cannot help..)
    Anyway , the idea was to start it up and see how it goes and in the future have the possibility to also support older people without money for the help..   
    I think there could be these days where people go out to get money - house to house or on the street and in exchange they get a little art-thingy - like a poem, a picture, a funny thought about life e.g. - but I will have to research for the right to do this and make the firm legal, the tax-laws and so on. In one week I will go to a meeting to figure stuff like that out! Maybe it will also end up being a place where people that got good help could recommend psychologists for others, as I know the problems about finding a good one.
    So this was the basic idea, when I get more info I will write. In the meantime send comments or ideas to help make the project a reality. OR if you wanna help in any way when it starts, contact me - :D

    Have a nice evening!


    - Yours,


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    Af Gammelgaard


    Hej Allesammen :D 
    Jeg skal til at skrive for myartspace igen, efter en lang pause.. Jeg begynder snart på kunst-portrætter, så hvis nogle har lyst til at deltage, kan i jo lige skrive :) 
    Jeg vælger de passende ud :) 
    Håber at høre fra jer! 
    - Gammelgaard

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Nyopstart af min blog


    Hey All 
    I just wanted to make everybody aware of the fact that I am re-starting my blog-project! I have a lot of new ideas and exciting things going on, so hope you will take a look once in a while  . It is going to be articles that are a little more personal, e.g. I am working on a small text about my sad former love-tragedy  Also I have a lot of projects going on, and funny or sad thoughts I would like to share, maybe they can make a difference for someone out there .. Hope u will join  
    Hugs and happy-thoughts 
    Anne Gammelgaard Kristensen

    p.s. Hvis i trykker på reklamerne får jeg penge til mit nye hobby-firma kaldet "give a glove", der støtter unge der har brug for psykologhjælp - og hvis nogle har lyst en dag når det er lavet, får jeg brug for frivillige der vil indsamle penge eller donerer små billeder ell. lign.   - som en slags fond..


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    Af Gammelgaard


    Årsudstilling! - BGK/Kunst og Design!

    Hey Allesammen!
    For første gang i mit unge liv, deltager jeg i en udstilling af nogle af mine værker!
    Hele BGK (Billedkunstnerisk Skole) fra Holstebro har samlet deres værker til et brag at en afsluttende udstilling !!
    Det sker på Jens Nielsen og Olivia Holm-Møller - Museet i Holstebro , d. 9 juni kl. 14-16!!
    Du kan også melde dig til gruppen på Facebook:!/events/299682163456298/?notif_t=plan_user_invited

    VI SES!!!

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    Af Gammelgaard


      Hey all of you! 
    In the years 07-08, I had the honour to join the school Eriksminde Efterskole, that is a school close to Odder or Aarhus in Denmark. Therefore I thought I would write a little bit about my experience, and when I know that a lot of people from other countries do not know what an Efterskole is, I would like to explain it. Because I wishes that all countries should have these kind of schools. 
    An Efterskole is a school you choose voluntarily and most people in Denmark therefore choose to go there in the last year of their basic school - the 11. grate... 
    As a young student you live on the school among other young people, you have a person or more people you live with and you eat together with the whole school.. My school had a lot of great foot, e.g. we had a day with fish and a vegetarian day without meat. When you live together side by side this way in a whole year with a school that have 70-100 people, you get very close to all people and also the teachers. One of the reason why I choose the school I did , was because of the atmosphere.. After only one month you can experience a totally amazing atmosphere around the school, because we all know each other and because we feel save and as our self around each other.. 
    Therefore you get a lot of social skills and you learn to work together and live together side by side..     
    Most schools have some subject that they priorities: e.g. sport, creative subjects, writing subject and so on. The student can choose the school and what subject they like the most. 
    My school was a very creative school and I went to painting, drawing and foto-classes.. They also had a lot of philosophy, religion, art-history, history, story-telling and so on.. It was vary interesting and I learned a lot about my self and what I wanted to do in the future.. 
    So if you feel like you do not know what to do after your final year, which university you should choose, it is probably because you did not had the chance to join these schools. 
    In Denmark, if that is the case, you can also go to Hoejskoler - the same kind of school just for the older ones.. 
    The schools are based on ideas from Gruntvig - a clever danish man that described the basic ideas for schools like this - he thought that story-tellings and singing was very important.. 
    So join a school like this or make some in your own countries :) ... 

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    Af Gammelgaard



    Kærlighed er dejligt, og vigtigt i alle menneskers liv. Uden den vil vi føle os ensomme og triste. Vis en masse kærlighed eller omsorg for dem du elsker og dem omkring dig. Og ikke mindst, vis kærlighed til dem du ikke kender.. - det kan være et knus eller blot et blik og et smil på gaden til en ukendt.. Det kan gøre en forskel for den der får dig smil, og du får sikkert et igen.
    Dette billede dedikerer jeg til min søster i Brasilien, som jeg savner og elsker!

    Fra Anne Gammelgaard til Carina!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    What is the point with life, if we do not have our dreams?!

    These days I have thought a lot about what I will do with my life later..
    I have a lot of plans - travelling, study art, maybe write articles for an art-magazine, working on museums and so on.. And today it really helps me knowing what to do now so I can reach some of my goals later in life.. It gives my life meaning right now! - E.g. I started writing for an on-line magazine, I want to volunteer in a museum, I write about art and make art in a school and so on.. So I know what is good now and what can help me in the future..
    That is why I do not get the people with no dreams for their future.. Maybe they do not know or maybe they are just not interested.. But for me it makes more sense to know - because it gives my life a bigger purpose. 
    So how can we live without our dreams and still find purpose in life???! 
    The meaning with my life is to reach some of my goals and dreams in life! .. What are your meaning with life?

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Evil Person

    Do the evil person exist? - That is my question for this article...

    I had a chat-conversation about evil people, and I thought - do the evil person exist?!

    I know there are evil people, but are their people that ate ONLY evil - a person with know goodness in their body and sole?

    We talked about Hitler, Breivik, the one that destroyed the towers in 9/11, Bush and so on.. Are these people ONLY evil, or is their some good in them too?

    Maybe because of my young age (20 years), I have a tendency to be a bit illogical, and not so realistic, and that is why I strongly believe that no man or woman that has or do exist on this planet, are ONLY an evil person! I think their is something good in everyone, and normally it is actions earlier in life that "creates" the evilness in people (e.g. their upbringing). By that I do not mean that we can accept the evil people and forgive them for their actions, I just think that their is something good besides the evil...

    What do you think about the evil person??!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Ny gruppe: Temaværk - til inspiration

    Hey Allesammen! Jeg synes der mangler en gruppe, hvor vi maler efter tema.. Det gør vi i min nye gruppe: tema-værk - til inspiration. Jeg starter med at finde på et tema som vi alle maler efter og så stemmer vi og den næste vinder finder et nyt tema.. :D God ide?? Meld dig til!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Vil du gerne blive set mere på sitet, så læs!

    Hej Allesammen!

    Jeg er blevet skriver for sitet og har fået til opgave at skrive artikler eller kunstnerportrætter om dygtige kunstnere herinde..
    Jeg har allerede kontaktet nogle kunstnere som jeg elsker , ift. at deltage, men jeg synes også at i selv skal have lov at melde jer til, hvis i mener det er noget for jer! Jeg kan som sagt ikke have øjne og øre ude og lægge mærke til alles kunst..

    Så hvis i mener jeres kunst har noget spændende at byde på og at i vil deltage i et kunstnerportræt, så skriv endelig - og gerne med begrundning for at jeg skal vælge jer!

    Jeg sorterer selv i det og kontakter jer hvis jeg er interesseret.. Men hvis i bliver ved med at skrive og vise nye værker, skal i nok blive valgt snart..

    Anne Gammelgaard

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Musiker Jonas Alaska

    Jonas Alaska (1988) is a musician, singer and songwriter from Norway! In September 2011 he made a new album called "Jonas Alaska" which was well-received.. On this CD you find his first two singles called "October" and "In the back-seat" from same year.
    He is a nice-looking guy with his guitar, big honest eyes and his cowboy-hat. His band is Thom Hell, Martin Horntvedt and Marit Larsen.
    His songs is melancholic good folk-music, that reminds me of "The Tallest man on earth", and Bob Dylan. Even thought he is a young artist, he sings with a clear, comfortable and grown-up voice!  

     He has studied music in Liverpool institute for Performing art.  

    He is a new fantastic artist!

    You should all by his album and “like” his page on facebook:

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    Af Gammelgaard

    The one that is judging us the most, is ourself!

    Why is it that the one that judges us the most is ourself.. When we think something is wrong, other people must think it to, and then it is obvious wrong!

    I find it so stupid, and I do it myself SO MUCH - judge me for things I should maybe be proud of...

    It can be; how we behave, who we are dating, what we are wearing, how we talk and what we talk about, and so on...

    E.g. I now have made some pictures that I don´t want to share because they are a little pornographic - and what wouldn´t people think about me if I showed them!
    Another example are a guy I met by chat and who I now are starting dating; you cannot date someone you have meet on chat - is words that keeps bumbling into my brain... !
    Or if you date someone that are too young or too old..
    And I could keep on going with the examples, because yes I do not judge other people for these thinks - make the art you want and have sex or relations with who you want! Free art and free love, is my new motto!
    But when it comes to myself I judge SO MUCH...
    SO to all of you that do the same - STOP JUDGING YOURSELF!!!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    At være anderledet

    Vi hører tit udtrykkene: weirdo, loner, crazy, underlig, skør, tosset osv... Men hvad betyder de ord egentlig. Jeg har slået det op:
    Skør:Ret fjollet eller komisk, fx i adfærd, udseende, osv.
    vækker undren ved at afvige fra det normale. 

    Anderledes: som adskiller sig fra noget andet ved ikke at ligne..


    Nogle vil tage disse ord som et kompliment, men hvis man er ung og lidt usikker på sig selv, så vil man nok for det meste synes det er træls at få at vide at man er skør, underlig eller anderledes.. Men som I kan se, så er der ingen negativ forklaring bag nogle af ordene. Fjollet og komisk er positive ord, og at adskille sig fra det forventede eller afvige fra det normale, det vil jeg også kalde positivt. 

    Folk i samfund eller folk i grupper, laver en definition af at være normal. Dette er for at kunne se hvem der er unormale eller sindslidende i et samfund. I nogle samfund er det okay at spise folk (hos kanibaler eller få religiøse stammer), men hos os er det meget forkert. I samfund kan man endda have interne regler for hvordan man skal opføre sig - i nogle grupper er det okay og betragtes for sejt at stjæle, ryge eller drikke meget. Hvorimod andre grupper synes dette er helt forkert..

    Derfor er det svært altid at passe ind, og hvis man fx. flytter skole eller omgangskreds, skal man "vende" sig til de nye normer og regler for gruppen..
    Jeg synes det er forkert med disse regler.. Men vi kan ikke gøre for det, vores regler for almindelig opførsel er noget der kommer tidligt igennem vores opdragelse, og det er svært at ændre, fordi reglerne er næsten indgruet..
    Men tilbage til det at være unormal! Hvis du tit får af vide at du er unormal, kan det simpelthen bare være at du er født ind i det forkerte samfund, land eller at du har valgt den forkerte gruppe.. 

    Så hvis du går rundt og er ked af det, så er det bare på med hatten og gå ud og find nogle andre at være sammen med. Min søster (udvekslingsstudent) fra Brasilien, måtte helt til Danmark før hun følte at hun passede ind... Og sådan er det måske også med dig?!
    Derfor må du rejse væk - fra området, byen eller landet, og søg andre grupper så du også kan føle dig hjemme hos dem du går med.. 

    De fleste kunstnere passer ikke ind på et tidspunkt i deres liv, og derfor har de brug for at udtrykke deres desperation med kunst - så det at være anderledes er ikke altid dårligt. Jeg ville tage det som en kompliment!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Tilbage til barndommen!

    Der er flere og flere der i vore dage går ned med stress på arbejdsmarkedet, og vi skal nå så meget, at vi ikke længere har tid til at stoppe op og reflektere over vores tilværelse.. Men vi havde tid som børn! For som barn stod tiden stille, og det er en af de ting jeg savner mest ved barndommen. At tiden stod stille, og at man bare kunne lege som et uskyldigt væsen, og i mit tilfælde, få lov til at være totalt ubekymret med udelukkende fokus på sig selv. Jeg havde en god og lang barndom - slippede som den sidste først min flyverdragt i 5. klasse, og begynde først "at være sammen" frem for at lege i ... Ja det gør jeg vist stadig! (som 20 årig). Når man ser tilbage på barndommen  føles det som UTROLIG lang tid siden... Og tiden begynder at gå hurtigere og hurtigere jo ældre man bliver, og jo mere ansvar man får med alderen, jo mere stresset kan man blive; over ting man skal nå eller ikke nå, ting man ikke ved man skal og ting man ikke kan finde svar på - fx. fremtidsspørgsmålene. 

    Som teenager var min største frygt at blive voksen. For mig så det ud som om voksne ikke lavede andet end at arbejde.

    Men jeg synes at jeg med tiden er blevet bedre til det med ansvar, og voksenlivet er også sjovt, hvis man giver sig selv lov.

    Barndommen føles som en evighed, men når man ser tilbage på den, er den blot en lille del af et helt liv. I dag bliver børn for hurtigt voksne, og med de nye medier, frygter jeg at de mister fantasien og kreativiteten - computeren laver automatisk billeder i deres hjerne.. Jeg frygter også for de børn, som må være i børnehaven alt for længe, og som får alt for lidt kærlighed af deres forældre.. Forældre skulle fokusere mere på at give barnet opmærksomhed, end at tjene penge til den nye smarte bil. For børn er det ikke kvalitetstid der gælder, men kvantitetstid - det er ikke nok med en enkelt SUPER-eftermiddag, man skal have mange - og kun med sådan en bagage vil de vokse op og bliver gode mennesker med respekt for deres medmennesker og en lyst til livet. Det er i hvert fald det jeg har fået ud af min barndom.

    Vores barndom varer kun et splitsekund af vores liv, men vi vil i hele vores voksenliv forsøge at finde tilbage til den kære barndom! 

    Jeg håber jeg vil kunne blive ved med at have et barnligt sind.

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    Af Gammelgaard

    How to get a job!

    Hey All of you!

    I know that with the crises and all, we all have real difficulty finding a job, because there is not that many.. I´ve got a job recently, and therefore I think I have a pretty good idea for what works when you are trying to get one..
    First of all you cant be piggy, take what ever you can get, and if it is a small job, have it until you find another one - the job-experience you can write on your CV. 

    Its also important that your future chef sees you when you search. So go out with your application and make a good first impression.
    The last thing you have to be persistent and keep on looking, something will show up.!
    And if it don´t , go and be volunteer - that makes some good things for your CV as well.
    Good luck everybody! 

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Forfatterportræt: Isabel Allende

    I read the known writer Isabel Allende's novel "fortunes daughter", and I was blown away! She writes fantastic!

    Isabel Allende is from Chile, and she is the biggest south American author. She is writing magic realism, and is the writer of "House of Spirits", "The pygmy forest" and "Eva Luna". Some of them is mostly for younger people, but "fortunes daughter" is amazing for everyone and tell a story about what can make you feel like you have a fortune and how the english societies lies can ruin a family.   

    She was born in Peru, but as 3 year old her mother moved them to Chile. Her parents was ambassadors for Chile in Peru, and her fathers cousin is the known former president for Chile; Salvador Allende. 

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Northside-festival i Århus

    Så lige programmet til North-side-festivalen i Århus, og det er lige før jeg brænder mere for det end for Roskilde Festival i år!
    Der er fede kunstnere som: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, Choir of Young Believers, Dúné, James Blake, Kashmir, Lucas Graham, Malk De Koijn, Oh Land, Snow Patrol, Turboweekend, og mange flere! 

    Tjek på:

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Ny Gruppe

    Hej Allesammen! Jeg har lavet en ny gruppe kaldet "uprofessionelle" kunstnere.. Det er for alle der er gode til at give ris og ros, ell gerne vil have nogle kommentarer på deres værker...

    Hvis du ikke er uprofessionel, kan du også bare have lyst til at hjælpe os der er, med ris og ros??


    Jeg synes der mangler en gruppe for "amatør"-kunstnerne - en gruppe hvor vi kan give RIS og ROS til indsatte værker, og hjælpe hinanden videre med værkerne.. Vi kan evt. os have et tema hver måned, som folk skal lave et værk efter, og sende ind... Så meld dig til!! :D Her er plads til ALLE...!

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    Af Gammelgaard

    Before I Die

    Before I die I want to... This small sentence written on a board made a lot of people write a lot of things in return! (and I need some commends on my blog) SO...


    Before I die I want to?..


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    Af Gammelgaard

    Second hand stores!

    If you know where to look you can find great clothes in a second-hand-shop. I myself have made a hole section in our Røde-Kors store in Ringkøbing full of clothes for young people, so now you don´t even have to look very long!Some of my greatest founds: (forgive me my bad model-skills..)




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    Af Gammelgaard


    Hey all of you!

    I´ve got the assignment that I have to come up with some ideas for what to do for a museum to get young people..
    Do you have ideas then put them in a commend!

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    Af Gammelgaard


    Denne blog bruger jeg meget tid på, og opdaterer hver dag! Man kan os se alle mine værker (video og malerier) + min ansøgning til kunstakedemiet..
    Nogle af mine indlæg er kopieret fra den blog til denne ...
    SE DEN !


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    Af Gammelgaard


    Hey Alle kunst-interesserede mennesker!

    Her er lidt reklame for en RIGTIG god og ikke så dyr kunstskole i Danmark, der findes i de fleste "storbyer" som: Holstebro, Viborg, København, Århus, Odense, osv..
    Så hvis du er interesseret i at lave en masse god kunst, få en masse nye ideer, gode og inspirerende lærer og møde skønne mennesker, så er BGK stedet for dig! 

    SÅ spild ikke tiden og meld dig ind i dag!

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    Af Gammelgaard


    Iberê Camargo (1914-1994) is/was an amazing artist from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I saw an exhibition with him in the Foundation museum in Porto Alegre.. He is an expressionist, and his paintings and drawings are very powerful and they have a dark or sad mood or atmosphere. 



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    Af Gammelgaard


    Titel: Bloom: 28,000 Potted Flowers Installed at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center.

    Kunstner: Anna Schuleit har lavet en HELT VILD spændende udstilling på et center for mentalt syge mennesker. I bygningen har hun installeret 28.000 potteplanter spredt ud over rum i centeret, for at mindes og reflektere over de 9 årtier centeret har fungeret som en hjælp for de psykisk syge.
    Det er en virkelig gribende udstilling, og et meget spændende koncept. Hvis du er interesseret kan du læse videre om udstillingen og bl.a. læse et interview af kunstneren på følgende:


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    Af Gammelgaard

    Kunst akademi!

    Så har jeg sendt min ansøgning til Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, de vurderer fra d. 16-20 april! Det bliver super spændende! ..
    Har sendt 2 film, en fotoserie og 2 malerier, alt lagt sammen i en film.. Synes selv det er temmelig godt, men det er kun 8/600 der kommer ind, så der er desværre kun en micro chance for at det bliver mig.. Men jeg krydser fingre og håber, håber, håber... 


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    Af Gammelgaard

    Musik kunstner!

    If you need a new artist to love, "The Tallest Man On Earth" is the best one you can find! 

    He is not really tall, but his music is the closest way to heaven you can come! (I know that was a bit cheesy..) 

    He is a Swedish folk-singer and some say he reminds them of Bob Dylan, even thought I think he is better! 

    Bye his CD´s:"Shallow Grave" and "Wild Hunt" - they are amazing!

    Or go and see his next concert:

    Saturday 28 July 2012 – Sunday 29 July 2012

    Newport Folk Festival 2012

    Newport, RI, US





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    Af Gammelgaard

    My Art

    Titel: Stilleben - det stille liv (the quiet life) Størrelse/size: 1 * ½ m. 
    Materiale: Oil-painting 

    Betydning/message: The picture is painted after some of our house fell of suddenly. It tells us how little we can control of nature and also death. The three floors represent the three state of life: birth on the ground floor, middle-life on the middle floor and death in the top of the house. It tells us that these three states of life is inevitable and that they can be very close to eat other - meaning; life can be very short. 

    The message is personal, because last year (2011) was the first year I witnessed death for real, and two very beloved people died suddenly and too young.
    This picture is dedicated to them - R.I.P.


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    Af Gammelgaard


    Hey everybody!

    I´ll despite my bad English, continue this blog in english, so that more people will be able to read it...
    My new good experience today was my first day as a member of the workers in the second hand shop in Ringkøbing.. All people was really nice, and I could make a hole new "line" with clothe for young people!! Because I am the youngest, people really take my opinion serious, when its about what is new and hip.. I was so needed and it was nice that I could help.
    The people there are so sweet with me, and I love old people!
    Its only a volunteer-job so I don´t get paid, but today It felt like payment just to be there..
    If you have spare-time you should start doing the same! Most of them only spends an afternoon or the morning one day a week.. So good idea for the ones with some spare-time!! 

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    Af Gammelgaard


    Var lige i Århus og se en FANTASTISK udstilling med Den amerikanske kunstner Tony Oursler!

    Han er en helt vildt god filmkunstner, der utraditionelt nok ikke viser sine film på et fladt lærred, men for det meste på runde flader der forestiller dukkehoveder, svævende i luften, eller udskåret træ. Han viser primært ansigter close-up, så man kan se deres ændrende mimik. Udstillingen fortæller noget om hvordan vi får empati med mennesker (så lidt der skal til før vi kan se hvad de føler), og stiller spørgsmål til bl.a. de nye kommunikationsmidler som net og mobil..

    En SUPER spændende udstilling, og en dejlig dag på Aros.
    Den SKAL ses venner!


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    Af Gammelgaard

    Min kunstnerblog!

    I dag fik jeg et genial link til en kunstblog, som alle bare SKAL se!

    Over the past year or so I’ve thought considerably about what this blog is, as I’ve never made a conscious decision about its direction. Flannery O’Conner wrote, “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say,” which perfectly sums up how I feel about this blog, and looking back at the roughly 1,300 posts from the first year, I’ve made some interesting discoveries about what I didn’t know I was doing until I saw it.



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